Bedazzled Streaming

Bedazzled Streaming. Bedazzled Streaming.

Movie Title: Bedazzled
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Peter Cook and Dudley Moore are my all-time common comedy team. Arising from the “Beyond the Fringe” troupe of the 1950s, they went on to fabricate some of the wittiest comedy routines of the 1960s. Taking off brilliantly on weak British class divisions, they resembled an Abbott and Costello for members of Mensa, with Cook’s sarcastic, sneering upper-class snob scoring endless points off Moore’s sweet, hapless working-class schlemiel. Unfortunately, they never found a estimable shroud vehicle for their comical personae–except for Bedazzled, directed by Stanley Donen from Cook’s screenplay. Moore plays a short-order cook on the verge of suicide because of unrequited love; up pops the Devil, played by Cook, who offers Moore seven chances at the girl of his dreams in exchange for his soul. Of course, the Devil being the Devil (and Cook being Cook), he can’t resist skewing each chance objective a limited bit…The film is a screamingly laughable yet cohesive string of bits as Cook spoils each of Moore’s attempts at happiness. The physical humor (wait till you explore the nuns on trampolines) is every bit as improbable as the verbal barbs (wait till you hear Cook define how Mussolini’s soul eluded his select) . For those who are sufficiently attentive, there is also considerable witty and pointed discussion of broken-down Christian theology and ethics. Eleanor Bron (as the girl of Moore’s dreams) and Raquel Welch (as the living embodiment of Lust) are enjoyable in more ways than one. Stanley Donen, no stranger to directing films based on tricky screenplays, does fleshy justice to Cook’s mordant, wildly imaginative vision. Cook’s career floundered in the 70s after the duo split up, and Moore’s solo stardom sagged after a few early successes. Now that Cook is dull, far too young, and Moore is desperately ill, we can be grateful for Bedazzled and mourn that it had no successors.

I first saw this film my first semester in college… in English 101 of all places! After reading the Goethe’s “Faust,” we were treated to this drop-dead, split your sides start comedy.

Dudley Moore is perfect as the bumbling, broken-hearted bafoon, Stanley Moon. Peter Cook is the depraved, but somehow quiet loveable George Spiggot aka the Devil. Raquel Welch plays a itsy-bitsy cameo role as “Lust,” one of the seven deadly sins personified.

Moon (Moore) is lovelorn and secretly pining away for the waitress he works with at the local “Wimpy Burger” in London. When Moore realizes that the girl he desires will never look him, he attempts to recall his life and is rescued by none other than the Prince of Darkness.

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Moore agrees to notice over his soul to Spiggot in return for 7 wishes. The unpleasant sap unbiased isn’t street lustrous enough and constantly wishes for something he either didn’t intend to wish for or worse, a wish he hadn’t really view out properly and thoroughly… exacerbating the meaning of the phrase, “be careful what you wish for… you might objective glean it!”

Cook does an exemplary job as the wolf in sheeps clothing. Spiggot gains Moon’s confidence by being kind to him… despite his alterior motives, it is probably the first time anyone has been kind to Moon in his whole life and the Devil exploits this to the fullest measure. Lack of street-smarts gets moon in one hilarious dilemma after another.

I can’t say grand more without ruining the station and the hilarity, but suffice to say, you’ll never hear “Julie Andrews” the same arrangement again. I highly recommend this as a clever comedy… and one that’s beneficial to prove to teens.
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